Well, they’re based on reality. We just got a poll back at the America’s New Majority Project, 76% of the country wants us to deal with the crisis at the border. 76%. That means Democrats, Republicans, independents. Guess who is stopping it? It’s Biden’s immigration policy. Biden’s illegal immigrants. You go to New York, where a 94 year old Korean War veteran gets kicked out of his assisted living in order to turn it over to one of Biden’s illegal immigrants. You look at the crime rate. Washington had its 900th carjacking on Thanksgiving Day. Every time you turn around, there’s something that’s just totally screwed up. And then you look at foreign policy. We’ve had over 100 attacks on American forces in the Middle East. And this administration is pathetic. You just covered earlier and I listened very carefully. The whole problem with the Houthies, and that’s entirely a problem of of international navigation. And normally the U.S. Navy would put them down and protect the right of shipping. With this administration, you get nothing. So I think what you’re seeing is of, frankly, a nice old guy who’s totally out of touch with reality, who blames everybody else when the real problem is we are rejecting his ideology, his values and his policies because of what they do to us, because what they do is the cost of living to what they do to us in terms of safety. And I think that’s going to continue.
Look, there’s a classic example of where Biden doesn’t understand anything about what Ronald Reagan did brilliantly and what Donald Trump does brilliantly. Why would you, when you know that you’re getting those kind of numbers, why would you call it Bidenomics? He went around and made sure that we all understood this to this terrible economy is Joe Biden’s economy. And then he wonders what’s happening to his poll numbers. I think what you have is the hard left is essentially a religious movement. They believe in fantasies. I did a piece recently arguing that John Kerry is crazy and I use that term crazy in the sense that he’s out of touch with reality. You’re seeing car dealers, I think 1200 of them wrote the president and said, we can’t sell the electric vehicles. And now you have an effort to mandate that you must buy it even if you don’t want it. It’s very hard to tell the American people to do things they don’t want to do. A free people don’t have to do things they don’t want to do. And that’s one of the core problems that Biden is facing.
Well, I mean, first of all, she won’t be able to cut in the Trump at all. She’s been able to cut into DeSantis. Essentially, what you have the Donald Donald Trump’s going to be the nominee. I don’t see any way and I saw Karl Rove the other day say he didn’t believe it was possible to be this far ahead and lose the nomination. I think that’s probably right. But but here’s what Trump has going for him that’s amazing. People look back and they say overwhelmingly his policies were better for them than Biden. They look forward and he’s beginning to offer a very visionary future. I love the speech he gave both in New Hampshire and in Nevada over the weekend where he talked about saving America’s cities. He talked about working with the Democrats. In fact, I just did a newsletter about how important I think it was to have a Republican embrace the cities and decide that saving America’s cities really matters. Of course, Trump grew up in Queens, lived in Manhattan. He gets it. And I think that having him in a positive way talk about saving the cities is going to appeal to a lot of Democrats who are again you have Mayor Adams at 23% approval. That says to me there’s a potential market in New York City for Donald Trump.
Well, there is a there’s an entire wing of the Democratic Party that would like us to become Venezuela. You have a radical judge who openly hates Trump in charge of a trial in the District of Columbia where Trump got 5% of the vote. Now, does anybody seriously believe that he can get a fair trial in the District of Columbia? You have a rabid prosecutor who’s doing everything he can to try to put Trump in jail. This doesn’t look like the pursuit of justice. This is a deliberate this is the replacement of the rule of law with the rule of power. And the American people know it. And I think if they get when they get to really look at this trial and they get to look at how radical this judge is, Trump’s just going to get stronger. He’s not going to get weaker.
Well, I mean, first first of all, if you look at the polling numbers, I think women recognize even more than men that in terms of the cost of health care and women are the primary purchasers of health care, that Trump is better than Biden in terms of the economy. Trump is better than Biden in terms of crime. Trump is better than Biden in terms of illegal immigration. Trump is better than Biden. There’s a point there when they say, okay, let’s agree that we’re going to disagree about this one item. I mean, Trump is not a hard line. Stop you from having an option. But he does believe that there are certain limits. And I think most Americans agree that there’s some limited killing a baby in the ninth month is wrong. And so you work your way back. You you can have a reasonable conversation. But Trump will turn out to be much more favorable to women than Joe Biden is.
I’ll show you how biased the news is. But let me let me show you how biased the general news media is. Melania Trump herself a first generation legal immigrant, goes to a naturalization ceremony last week and leads the national naturalization ceremony. Now, does that make. ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post? Of course not. It was a positive gesture on behalf of legal immigration by a beautiful woman who herself is a legal immigrant. And I think the by the Bush the the Trump team is very concerned to draw a distinction between legal immigration, which they favor and illegal immigration, which they oppose. Not a word. I mean, I mean. If she were a liberal Democrat, she’d be Jackie Kennedy.