About Us

Gingrich 360 is a multimedia production company based in Arlington, Virginia, featuring the work of Speaker Newt Gingrich and Ambassador Callista L. Gingrich.

Together, Newt and Callista host and produce historical and public policy documentary films and podcasts, write books and newsletters, give speeches, record audio books, and make television and radio appearances.

Gingrich 360 also offers strategic planning, consulting, and training.  We have unique strengths and experience in health, education, national security, and politics.

Meet the Team

Speaker Newt Gingrich

Ambassador Callista L. Gingrich
President and Chief Executive Officer

Bess Kelly
Chief Operating Officer

Taylor Swindle
Chief Financial Officer

Joe DeSantis
Chief Strategy Officer

Louie Brogdon
Editorial Director

Woody Hales
Director of Operations

Claire Christensen
Director of Research and Chinese Studies

Rachel Peterson

Red Gamso
Digital Media and Design Manager