Newt Gingrich on Mornings with Maria | April 15, 2024


Well, look, I think there’s a huge difference. When Biden said don’t. I made the point that 300 times which is the number of missiles actually about 335 times. the Iranians did. Now, what’s his response? I mean, he said, don’t to Putin. Putin ignored him and invaded Ukraine. He said, don’t to Iran. I mean, this administration has zero credibility, in terms of keeping its word. And frankly, having 335 missiles and drones and other things fired at you is is an act of complete warfare. Now, the Israelis could respond in a disciplined way. For example, they could take out the Iranian warship that’s sitting in the Red sea, helping direct missiles. they could do a number of other steps that are targeted, but I’ll be very surprised if, Prime Minister Netanyahu is going to accept the failure of Biden’s deterrence and then sit there and do nothing, because that invites the Iranians to figure out another way to attack Israel.


Well, look, I think Joe Biden has become a paper tiger, and it doesn’t matter what he says. You know, in the end, he won’t do anything, he was a failure in Afghanistan, and he’s been a failure at ensuring that Ukraine has the resources. He’s been a failure, in terms of helping Israel. and I think to suggest that a country can launch over 300 missiles and drones and have no consequence, I think is very dangerous, I mean remember, the Iranians are learning from this. The Chinese are learning from this. The Russians are learning from this. And if the message is, the United States will help defensively that, by the way, you’ll suffer no cost. You’re just asking for more attacks and a greater danger. I think this is a very dangerous situation.


Well, apparently they told the Iranians, look, you have an administration which going all the way back to Obama and to John Kerry, as secretary of state, has consistently been pro-Iranian. They consistently have bent over backwards for the Iranians. They have tolerated Iranian proxies shoot, shooting at and killing Americans. They have tolerated the Houthis, who are backed by the Iranians. and no matter what the Iranians do, there’s always one more excuse from Biden for American inaction. But but again, imagine you’re the ayatollah. You’re sitting there in Tehran. You just fired 300 missiles and other vehicles against Israel, and nothing happens. There are no consequences. I mean, you’re going to think that these people are beyond being paper tigers. You’re going to think they’re clowns and that they have no sense of historical reality. And I think this is very, very dangerous.


Well, I think we have to understand this is a political trial in a way that we have really never seen in America. The case itself is totally ridiculous. and will not stand up in any kind of honest court. Bragg is a total Democrat sellout. the judge is a total left wing Democrat. and it’s an effort to destroy a political opponent. Something I don’t think we’ve ever seen in American history. this kind of the abuse of the law and violation of the Constitution. In a reasonable world, Trump would not be under trial. And I think, frankly, the case will ultimately be thrown out because it’s based on a totally phony reinterpretation of the law. Bragg, you know, Bragg puts felons back on the street. He doesn’t want to lock up anybody, even if they’re a violent criminal. But no Donald Trump, that’s different. Purely, totally political. And the key thing is it’s not just Trump walking in there. It is the champion of well over 80 million Americans who have consistently supported him. And he’s fighting for the rights of all 330 million Americans to not have this kind of judicial abuse apply to them.


Well, I assume that the judge will do everything he can to bias the case with everything from rulings to how they pick the jurors. you know, I but I think you’ve got to start with the premise this is totally phony. In the newsletter that I did at Gingrich 360 my whole point is this is a political trial of the champion of literally more than 80 million Americans. The whole case is totally phony. No serious lawyer thinks that’s a reasonable case. And I cite in the newsletter. Lawyer after lawyer, left wing lawyers, Liberal Democrats saying as a matter of law, this case is ridiculous. and I think what you have is Alvin Bragg is a left wing, professional Democrat doing everything he can to rig the game. And the judge, who is a left wing, professional Democrat doing everything he can to rig the game. But in the end, I have a hunch that they may get either to a hung jury or to an acquittal because the the the facts of the case are so bad that at some point, reasonable human beings just go, you know, I can’t do this.


Well, for some reason, both the Obama and the Biden administrations have had this fantasy that somehow we can become an ally of Iran and we can build a American Iranian, a relationship which will stabilize the Middle East, which, of course, if you watch the Iranians, the Ayatollah went on TV about two months ago and said to the Iranian people, death to America is not a slogan Death to America is Iranian policy. So it’s pretty hard to see how they’re going to deal with it. But I also want to say this morning, one of the most important things that should happen this week is that the House Republicans, should get their act together. with Democrats, however, whatever it takes, they need to pass aid to both Ukraine and Israel. it is, well, late. and I think it’s time now to get it done. And this should certainly give them a sense of urgency about getting that money, to our allies.


Well, I think the Ukraine would take it as a loan. Look, FDR did that with Great Britain in World War II. There are ways that there are a lot of ways to solve it. They just need to get the votes and get it done.


I think this is a very important week for America to get its act together. I think passing the aid bill is extremely important, and I think that President Biden has to understand when you say don’t there have to be consequences when the others do. And I think he has to support Israel if they make a decision, that this kind of all out attack on their country requires some kind of counter attack.

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