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Well, what I’d like to see is focus on what they would do if they were president to help the country and where they would take the country on issues like affordability, on issues like the border. You just had a terrific piece on New York. And as usual, Congresswoman, on the tax cuts was terrific. You know, there are really substantive things we need to be dealing with. The piece you just did with the mayor of San Francisco, San Francisco’s collapsing as the city stores are leaving. You know, people ironically, federal employees are being told not to go to the Nancy Pelosi federal office building because the neighborhood’s too dangerous. There are a lot of serious, real challenges. What I’m afraid will happen is that everybody will get involved in talking about President Trump’s legal situation and he’ll, you know, while he’s not there, he’ll take over half the debate time. I think that would be a mistake. I hope that the questioners don’t go down that road. And I hope the candidates don’t go down that road.
Well, first of all, I think, Governor, Youngkin is doing the right thing. He has a huge tax cut in comparison of the Democrats who want to spend it on government. He has a very strong voting program underway to get Georgia, to get Virginia Republicans to go out and vote early. He’s really working to win control of the legislature. And I think that’s where his focus ought to be. And I don’t think this is a time for him to try to be on a debate stage. The other guys, I mean, I don’t I don’t know whether any of the three you mentioned actually met the requirements. I suspect if they did, they’d be on the stage. But the requirements were very clear. They were they were outlined very early. I think that Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel did a good job of saying, look, if you meet these standards, you’ll be on the stage. If you don’t meet them, you’re not going to be on the stage. So I’d like to know where’s the evidence the two of them have that they met the standard and are somehow being excluded. I don’t know my guess is they didn’t actually meet the standard.
No, look, there’s no question that Governor Burgum, who’s who is a billionaire is gaming the rules, on the other hand, he is gaming the rules. He’s not outside the rules. He’s not complaining about the rules. He said, look, if this is what the deal is, I’m going to meet it. And the rules included having enough recognition to have a certain percentage of votes in put in the polls and be able to have enough donors. So he met them you can’t complain if an entrepreneur who’s very aggressive decides that he will do within the rules, be creative. Now, whether or not Burgum has a future, I don’t know. He has very strong opinions. He was probably very frustrated on Meet the Press the other day when eight of the nine questions were about Trump. And he’s there he’s trying to talk about what Governor Burgum will do for America. And the NBC moderator kept coming back again and again to Donald Trump. And that’s what I hope will not happen tonight.
Yeah, I think the whole thing in Fulton County is a total outrage. I think the indictment itself is an outrage. I think it’s an absurdity. I think to take a law which is designed for the mafia and for drug dealers and to apply it to politics should frighten every single American. We don’t have the rule of law. We have the rule of power. And they’re trying to use their power in a way which I think is totally unconstitutional and which the Georgia legislature should have a special session and should investigate exactly what her behavior was. Why did she move on Monday? Why did everything get pushed up? Why did she release the grand jury findings before the grand jury found them, which they literally were released before they were voted on? So I have a deep sense that the Fulton County case is a total fraud. And my guess is, in the end, the Supreme Court will throw it out.