Newt Gingrich on Hannity | August 8, 2023


Well, look, I think first of all, if you back out and look at the entire forest it is Barack Obama politicizing the Justice Department, covering up all sorts of things. Setting a standard that if you’re on the left, you’re never going to be prosecuted. Is Hillary Clinton making millions and millions of dollars in ways that involve basically public policy decisions that favor Russians and others? And then there’s Joe Biden, who looks up and he says, let me get this straight. The Justice Department’s never going to come after me. Hillary has proven you can make tons of money doing this stuff. Why shouldn’t we play? And there’s no question in my mind, everything the Biden White House says now about this topic is a lie. It’s just plain totally a lie. But it has to be a lie. I mean, you can’t expect the incumbent president to come out and say, you know, we had a bad period there and Hunter and I stole a whole bunch of money from the Russians, the Chinese, the Kazakhs, the Ukrainians, the Romanians. But, you know, we needed the money. I mean, he needed a Porsche I didn’t have a really good place to put my Corvette. You can’t really blame me. I meant well. And, gee, it just all kind of crept up. What’s he going to say? These guys are if you watch the movie The Irishman with DeNiro, you get a flavor of this. These guys are the mob. They are exactly like a mafia group. They operate in total dishonesty. Why would you think they’re going to tell the truth?


Look, if I understand the timing correctly, there’s actually a phone call from Dubai to Joe Biden on his phone, which Peter Schweitzer is convinced was paid for by Burisma. And we ought to get the records of that phone as a test of their sincerity of being cooperative. Within days, Joe Biden is on an airplane, a government U.S. government plane to go to Ukraine. And as he himself says, the video is available. I mean, he says publicly to the Council on Foreign Relations, I went there and I told him if they didn’t fire this guy, they were going to lose $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid. And by God, within 6 hours, it was done. There’s this is Biden himself on tape saying this to a public group. Well, if you go back and say, let me get this straight. The people who had hired your son call you from Dubai a few days later you are in Ukraine doing exactly what they requested because their fear was that this particular prosecutor was going to take them all down. So they weren’t just buying the brand. I think Archer is being way too nice here. They were buying an access to get the vice president of the United States who also, by the way, was threatening to cut off Ukraine from international Monetary Fund money. You take those pieces together, that’s pretty close to straight outright bribery.


I think it may eventually be come to that, which I think is scary because the idea of Kamala Harris replacing him is terrifying.

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