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Audio: The World Health Organization, China and COVID-19

By Gingrich 360 | April 6, 2020

What did the World Health Organization know about COVID-19 becoming a pandemic and what role did China play in covering it up?

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American Elites Wrongly Predict — and Welcome — American Decline

By Gingrich 360 | April 4, 2020
Newt Gingrich A Critical Turning Point for US-China Policy

We could be witnessing the moment, when China snatches the mantle of global leadership out of America’s coronavirus-stricken hands, establishing the “Chinese century” that experts have long promised us — at least according to American pundits and journalists.

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5 Stories to Watch Next Week; April 3, 2020

By Gingrich 360 | April 3, 2020
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There are simply too many developing stories to follow in the world. To make things easier, we narrowed them down to five that you should really watch next week:

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Audio: Danger of Nancy Pelosi’s Potential Coronavirus Investigation

By Gingrich 360 | April 3, 2020

Newt expresses concern over Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s recent comments regarding investigating the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic prior to defeating it.

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What’s Newt Reading; April 3, 2020

By Gingrich 360 | April 3, 2020
COVID 19 Breakthroughs Newt's World Podcast

A collection of news stories and reports you should not miss.

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China’s Hawkish Shift

By Gingrich 360 | April 2, 2020
China's Hawkist Shift

The late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping once summed up the strategy that defined China’s foreign policy for decades: “Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capacities; bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; never claim leadership.” The idea was for China to gain national strength quietly and patiently, observing global affairs while plotting how to control them.

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President Trump – The Entrepreneur as Commander in Chief

By Gingrich 360 | April 2, 2020

 The greatest challenge for those seeking to understand the Donald Trump presidency is recognizing how experienced and how competent he is. 

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With President Trump’s Leadership America Starts to Mobilize

By Gingrich 360 | April 1, 2020
Episode 319: General Kellogg on Trump’s White House

Watching President Donald Trump in the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing go through company-after-company and government project-after-government project which are fighting the pandemic, it hit me that we were seeing something America has done before. We are mobilizing as a people to win a war.

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What Small Businesses Need to Know about the Coronavirus Stimulus Legislation

By Gingrich 360 | April 1, 2020

Small businesses are on the front lines of the economy, and they are among the biggest casualties of the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, President Trump signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill last week to provide relief to these job creators.

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What’s Newt Reading; April 1, 2020

By Gingrich 360 | April 1, 2020
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A collection of news stories and reports you should not miss.

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