Audio: Outnumbered - the Story Behind the Story

Audio: Outnumbered – the Story Behind the Story

I was very interested to receive from Mike Calvin, a member of our Inner Circle the following question: I’m sure you’ve been asked already what happened today with Harris Faulkner when you brought up Soros. What actually caused them to shut you down when talking about him? They appeared to be scared of the mention of his name. Please share the story behind the story. I thought that was pretty cool.

This post is only available to Inner Circle members.

2020 Election Sleeper Issue Health Care Newt Gingrich

The 2020 Sleeper Issue

This year Republicans should unify behind one approach with the potential to be decisive for anyone who isn’t a hard partisan (and influence some partisans as well). That approach means promoting the right to know health care prices upfront – health care price transparency.

American Values with Kay Coles James Newt's World Podcast

2020 Research

We partnered with the Winston Group and McLaughlin & Associates to conduct a series of in depth focus groups, nationwide surveys, and intense studies to identify precisely what Americans are most concerned about – and how our leaders can help solve America’s greatest problems.

Abuse of Power Carter Page Newt's World Podcast

A Failed Coup — How The Obama Administration Framed An Innocent American To Oust Trump

Carter Page is an exemplary American citizen. A graduate of the US Naval Academy, Page served in the Navy before becoming a successful businessman. He even served his country clandestinely as a source for America’s intelligence community. But all of that work was not enough to protect Page when he supported Donald Trump for president in 2016. 

Newt Gingrich The Human Costs of Pro-Criminal, Anti-Police Prosecutors

The Human Costs of Pro-Criminal, Anti-Police Prosecutors

Many of the violent mobs tearing down our cities are doing so in opposition to systemic problems in our criminal justice system. There is a systemic problem, but it is not racism. The problem is rising pro-criminal, anti-police Democratic leadership.

Newt Gingrich Kamala Harris: The Most Radical VP Nominee in History

Kamala Harris: The Most Radical VP Nominee in History

Sen. Kamala Harris is the most radical person ever nominated for president or vice president by a major party. Because of Joe Biden’s frailty, her potential to become president is much greater than for most vice-presidential candidates.

Newt Gingrich Audio: The Portland DA Embraces the Democrat Party's Platform of Pro-Criminal and Anti-Police

Audio: The Portland DA Embraces the Democrat Party’s Platform of Pro-Criminal and Anti-Police

President Trump in North Carolina said the following: “Biden supports cutting police funding. And he has pledged to end cash bail.” Just last week, Biden proudly accepted the endorsement of the pro-criminal, anti-police Portland District Attorney, who has a policy of releasing rioters, vandals, criminals, and violent extremists without charges.

This post is only available to Inner Circle members.