Newt talks with Michael Pack, Producer of over 15 award-winning documentaries and President and CEO of Palladium Pictures, and his son Thomas Pack about their new incubator program which is training the next generation of documentary filmmakers.
Over the last 50 years, the left has poured time, money, and creativity into developing the institutions to support a story-telling culture. By some estimates the left spends tens of billions of dollars annually, while the right spends much less. Over time, this has underwritten a progressive ecosystem of supportive and reinforcing institutions, in addition to many powerful films. Palladium Pictures is putting a stake in the ground to help mentor right-of-center filmmakers through a new incubator program. Newt’s guests are Michael Pack, Producer of over 15 award-winning documentaries and President and CEO of Palladium Pictures, and his son Thomas Pack, Director of Palladium Pictures incubator program which is training the next generation of documentary filmmakers.
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Guests: Michael Pack and Thomas Pack
You Can’t Fight the Culture War Without Making Movies – RealClear Politics
Fighting the culture war one documentary at a time – Washington Examiner