Newt Gingrich Audio Update: Democratic Leadership Encourages Anti-Police Violence

We’re seeing an eruption of Democratic Party officials who are openly in favor of violence and criminals – and openly anti-police. This is not how free societies operate.

The Democratic Party leadership is going out of its way to spur on anti-police violence. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan has come out for abolishing the police and closing all prisons, which is beyond radical. And now you have Maxine Waters, a senior Democrat representing California, going to Minnesota to tell people that they need to be in the streets even more and need to be even more confrontational. We’re seeing an eruption of Democrat officials who are openly in favor of violence, openly in favor of criminals, and openly anti-police. It’s going to be very interesting tomorrow to have our Inner Circle live event. I look forward to sharing some ideas and hearing from you.

– Newt

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