Newt Gingrich
Mornings with Maria
Nov 18, 2020
Well sure it’s guaranteed to go to the Supreme Court, and I would say that the outcome actually is a question of how tough president Trump is prepared to be enforcing changes — I think there are enough different indications in Georgia, for example that you could almost certainly flip the election in Georgia which is very important, in setting the stage for an honest election for the two U.S. Senate seats, I think the outrageous illegality of the Nevada legislature virtually guarantees that you have a civil rights suit there because they literally have legalized corruption through the democratic legislature. I think the incident in Wayne County Michigan where the two republicans voted not to prove and then were frankly humiliated, intimidated threatened called names, it’s exactly the opposite of what an election process ought to be. And of course, Philadelphia is probably the most corrupt example we have. So, I think, the president owes it to country, forget not just his re-election, president owes it to the American people to ensure that we understand how much corruption, there has been and how left have rigged the game and how they tried to basically steal the presidency and I think, if they are allowed to get away with it will try to steal the two seats in Georgia.
Well you have a secretary of state in Georgia who is clearly totally intimidated by Stacy Abrams and her political machine. We have a governor in Georgia who is hiding in basement doing nothing. The state legislature got to find a way it’s impowered by constitution not the governor not the secretary of state not the court, the constitution says specifically the state legislatures and frankly they should find a way to call themselves back into session with or without the governor’s approval and they should take control of this. It is an absurdity how many examples we have of this, we now have in Georgia of corruption, here is what’s going to happen if we don’t change it, the Republicans will raise millions of dollars to buy advertising, the Democrats will raise millions of dollars to ensure they rig the election. We focus on campaign they focused on election day, they just drown us. I think in Georgia we have more and more evidence and frankly if the secretary of state is doing his job we would know today just how bad the corruption is. But he is totally taken a dive on behalf of Stacey Abrams and her machine. She’s already announced she is going to have 600,000 absentee ballots and under the agreement the secretary of state made he is not allowed to check and verify anything about these ballots. We’d had 3.5% of the ballots thrown out in 2018, we had .3 of 1% thrown out this summer. Now does anyone really believe you have four times as many absentee ballots and the percentage thrown out went down? With those ballots the same as 2018, we would in fact have 39,000 ballots thrown out, currently being counted overwhelmingly for Biden.
Sure, we get, two democratic senators from D.C. Two democratic senators from Puerto Rico and you virtually guarantee the Democrats will turn America into California. Which I think is their goal, I mean Pelosi’s from San Francisco, Harris is from San Francisco. They’ve watched California become a one-party machine state and they would like to turn the same thing into the whole country I think cleaning up Georgia, is the fulcrum of the entire rest of the future of this country. If we can’t get an honest count and I think if we do get to honest count Georgia will actually vote for Trump for president. And I think we can easily win the Senate seats, but as long as that state is corrupted and as long as the secretary of state is basically a wholly owned subsidiary of Stacy Abrams, as long as the governor is hiding and not doing his job and the state legislature is sitting there watching this happen and not acting, I think we’re in real trouble, personally.
I think what we are in different environment right now, Pelosi’s number one job and Schumer’s number one job is paying off blue states that have unbelievably big deficits, I think New York is 50 some billion dollars, they are desperate for taxpayer money. I think that the president’s primary goal is to help small business, and to reopen schools. So they have totally different roles, and I think that it is going to be very hard, from my standpoint, very had to see how going to find a way to either shrink the Democrats aspirations or to convince Republicans to bail out blue states when has been unbelievably willing to throw money away last for the 40 years, have pension funds that are hopeless and would like the rest of us to pay for it.