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Audio: Positive News from Italy

By Gingrich 360 | April 8, 2020

Newt updates from Rome, where Italy reported a decline in COVID-19 cases which dropped to 2.3% yesterday. If this trend-line continues, it’s very hopeful news for the country.

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Audio: The World Health Organization, China and COVID-19

By Gingrich 360 | April 6, 2020

What did the World Health Organization know about COVID-19 becoming a pandemic and what role did China play in covering it up?

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Audio: The World Health Organization, China and COVID-19

By Gingrich 360 | April 6, 2020

What did the World Health Organization know about COVID-19 becoming a pandemic and what role did China play in covering it up?

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Audio: Danger of Nancy Pelosi’s Potential Coronavirus Investigation

By Gingrich 360 | April 3, 2020

Newt expresses concern over Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s recent comments regarding investigating the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic prior to defeating it.

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