Newt Gingrich Kamala Harris: Putin’s Puppet?

Kamala Harris: Putin’s Puppet?

If Vladimir Putin could build the perfect puppet to advance Russian interests, it would be an American politician who wants to ban fracking, cut military spending, and divide the US by demonizing it.
Notice that President Trump doesn’t fit this description. Indeed, he has expanded fracking, increased military spending, and praised the US as the greatest country in the world.

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Aaron Kliegman No, Kamala, Foreign Policy Isn’t That Simple

No, Kamala, Foreign Policy Isn’t That Simple

On Wednesday night, Kamala Harris was asked to define America’s proper role in the world.
To answer the moderator’s question on American leadership abroad, Harris invoked her senior running mate, Joe Biden. “I think [Joe] said it quite well. He says, ‘Foreign policy, it might sound complicated, but really it’s relationships.’ Just think about it as relationships.”

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Biden in His Own Words – Frack You Pennsylvania!

Biden in His Own Words – Frack You Pennsylvania!

Joe Biden and the Democratic party have had a hard time defining their specific policy plans should Biden win in November, and Biden’s speech in Pittsburg last Monday was no better. In fact, Biden’s Pittsburgh speech highlights just how confused his party’s policy plans are by putting his comments about fracking in direct opposition with his democratic debate position on the topic.

Biden In His Own Words – DNC Closing Remarks

Biden In His Own Words – DNC Closing Remarks

In what many referred to as the “most important speech of his entire career,” Joe Biden sought to capture the “heart and soul” of the nation during his closing remarks at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last Thursday night. He said that we as Americans will, “choose hope over fear, facts over fiction (not ‘truth over facts’), fairness over privileged.” The DNC’s 2020 conventions had its fair share of pre-crafted, boiler plate speeches and Biden’s acceptance address for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States was no different. 

Biden In His Own Words - "Do not hold grudges"

Biden In His Own Words – “Do not hold grudges”

By Tim Kennedy On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden chose, after a drawn-out vetting process, California Senator and former Democratic Presidential rival Kamala Harris to be his running mate. This came as a surprise to some given Sen. Harris’s previous relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in the 1990s, questionable record … Read more