Newt Gingrich The Higher Inflation and Bigger Debt Act 2

The Higher Inflation and Bigger Debt Act

growing inflation is virtually suicidal. If the economy keeps slowing, and the inflation keeps rising, the 2022 election will be a drowning time for failed Democrats.

Callista L. Gingrich Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe

As one of the world’s oldest active astronomical observatories, the Vatican Observatory has enhanced scientific curiosity and studied the inner workings of our universe for over 400 years.

Callista Gingrich Grace McCallum

Grace McCallum: A Gifted and Faithful Gymnast

With courage, humility, and persistence, Grace McCallum is an incredible example of a world-class athlete. Her steadfast faith and extraordinary dedication are an inspiration.

Newt Gingrich It’s Time to Balance the Budget

It’s Time to Balance the Budget

The only way to deal with a spending mess the size of the Biden-Democratic program is to re-establish the goal of a balanced budget.

Newt Gingrich The Dangerous War We Don’t See

The Dangerous War We Don’t See

President Biden’s inability to respond firmly to cyber acts of war only empowers the Chinese and Russian dictatorships.