The Contract With America Congress
H.R.4103 – Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1999
105th Congress (2nd Session)
June 24, 1998, Vote:
Yeas: 209 Republicans, 149 Democrats
Nays: 47 Democrats, 13 Republicans, 1 Independent
H.R.2431 – International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
105th Congress (2nd Session)
May 14, 1998, Vote:
Yeas: 206 Republicans, 169 Democrats
Nays: 27 Democrats, 14 Republicans
Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reauthorization Act
Ayes – 208 Republicans and 83 Democrats
Noe – 116 Democrats and 8 Republicans and 1 Independent
Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Ayes – 219 Republicans and 51 Democrats
Noe – 154 Democrats; 7 Republicans; 1 Independent
H.R.1833 – Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995 (Passed Over Veto)
Yeas: 215 Republican, 70 Democrats
Nays: 121 Democrats, 15 Republicans, 1 Independent
H.R.3845 – District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1997
104th Congress (2nd Session)
July 22, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 169 Republicans, 162 Democrats, 1 Independent
Nays: 51 Republicans, 17 Republicans
Welfare and Medicaid Reform Act of 1996
Ayes – 226 Republicans and 30 Democrats
Noe – 165 Democrats and 4 Republicans, and 1 Independent
H.R.3754 – Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1997
104th Congress (2nd Session)
July 10, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 208 Republicans, 151 Democrats, 1 Independents
Nays: 39 Democrats, 19 Republicans
H.R. 3603 – FY 1997 Agriculture Appropriations
104th Congress (2nd Session)
June 12, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 207 Republican, 114 Democrat
Nays: 52 Democrat, 21 Republican
H.R.3286 – Adoption Promotion and Stability Act of 1996
104th Congress (2nd Session)
May 10, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 222 Republicans, 170 Democrats, 1 Independent
Nays: 14 Democrats, 1 Republican
H.R.3136 – Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996
104th Congress (2nd Session)
March 28, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 201 Republicans, 127 Democrats
Nays: 60 Democrats, 40 Republicans
H.R.2880 - Balanced Budget Downpayment Act, I
104th Congress (2nd Session)
Jan, 25, 1996, Vote:
Yeas: 224 Republicans, 147 Democrats
Nays: 39 Democrats, 2 Republicans, 1 Independent
H.R.1833 – Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995
104th Congress (1st Session)
Nov. 01, 1995, Vote:
Yeas: 215 Republican, 73 Democrats
Nay: 123 Democrats, 15 Republicans, 1 Independent
Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Implementation Act
104th Congress (1st Session)
Oct. 24, 1995, Vote:
Yeas: 221 Republicans, 153 Democrats
Nays: 30 Democrats, 6 Republicans, 1 Independent
Line-Item Veto Act
Ayes – 223 Republicans and 71 Democrats
Noe – 129 Democrats and 4 Republicans and 1 Independent
H.R.1976 – Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996
104th Congress (1st Session)
July 21, 1995, Vote:
Yea: 193 Republican, 120 Democrats
Nays: 63 Democrat, 14 Republican, 1 Independent
H.R.667 – Violent Criminal Incarceration Act of 1995
104th Congress (1st Session)
Feb. 10, 1995, Vote:
Yeas: 206 Republicans, 59 Democrats
Nays: 135 Democrats, 20 Republicans
Communications Act of 1995
Ayes – 208 Republicans and 97 Democrats
Noe – 98 Democrats and 18 Republicans
The Pelosi Dictatorship
H.R.6119 – Further Extending Government Funding Act
117th Congress (1st Session)
December 02, 2021, Vote:
Yeas: 220 Democrats, 1 Republican
Nays: 0 Democrats, 212 Republicans
H.R.3684 – Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
117th Congress (1st Session)
July 01, 2021, Vote:
Yeas: 219 Democrats, 2 Republicans
Nays: 201 Republicans, 0 Democrats
H.R.3237 – Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021
117th Congress (1st Session)
May 20, 2021, Vote:
Yeas: 213 Democrats, 0 Republicans
Nays: 209 Republicans, 3 Democrats
H.R.1319 – American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
117th Congress (1st Session)
Feb. 27, 2021, Vote:
Yeas: 219 Democrats, 0 Republicans
Nays: 210 Republicans, 2 Democrats
H.R.3877 – Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019
116th Congress (1st Session)
July 25, 2019, Vote:
Yeas: 219 Democrats, 65 Republicans
Nays: 132 Republicans, 16 Democrats, 1 Independent
H.R.266 – Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act
116th Congress (1st Session)
Jan 11, 2019, Votes
Yeas: 230 Democrats, 10 Republicans
Nays: 179 Republicans, 0 Democrats
H.R.5116 – America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Reauthorization Act of 2010
111th Congress (2nd Session)
May 28, 2010, Vote:
Yeas: 245 Democrats, 17 Republicans
Nays: 150 Republicans
H.R.4899 – Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010
11th Congress (2nd Session)
March 24, 2010, Vote:
Yeas: 234 Democrats, 5 Republicans
Nays: 167 Republicans, 8 Democrats
H.R.4872 – Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
111th Congress (2nd Session)
March 21, 2010, Vote:
Yeas: 220 Democrats, 0 Republicans
Nays: 178 Republicans, 33 Democrats
H.R.4213 – Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010
111th Congress (1st Session)
December 09, 2009, Vote:
Yeas: 239 Democrats, 2 Republicans
Nays: 171 Republicans, 10 Democrats
H.R.3962 – Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010
111th Congress (1st Session)
November 7, 2009, Vote:
Yeas: 219 Democrats, 1 Republican
Nays: 176 Republicans, 39 Democrats
H.R.3288 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010
111th Congress (1st Session)
July 23, 2009, Vote:
Yeas: 240 Democrats, 16 Republicans
Nays: 158 Republicans, 10 Democrats
H.R.3288 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010
111th Congress (1st Session)
July 23, 2009, Vote:
Yeas: 240 Democrats, 16 Republicans
Nays: 158 Republicans, 10 Democrats
H.R.2996 – Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010
111th Congress (1st Session)
June 26, 2009, Vote:
Yeas: 237 Democrats, 17 Republicans
Nays: 159 Republicans, 14 Democrats