Trump Cabinet Picks

The People vs The Bureaucrats

A recent survey of senior government employees revealed that 42 percent of them plan to work against the incoming Trump administration.

Passing One Big, Beautiful Bill

single “big, beautiful bill” that makes American more affordable and re-establishes our sovereignty can get through the House by a surprising margin.

On Big, Beautiful Bill

One Big, Beautiful Bill

The No. 1 goal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans must be to pass what I would call the Tax Cuts, Jobs, and Affordability Act. President Donald J. Trump has described it as “one big, beautiful bill.”

The Big Shift in Washington

This month marks a big shift in power and direction in Washington, America, and the world.

Remembering President Jimmy Carter

Callista and I are sorry to learn of the passing of President Jimmy Carter, and we extend our deepest condolences to the Carter family.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a time to reflect upon the miracle of salvation as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Republicans Must Sign the Tax Cut by July 4

This is the biggest single congressional decision President Trump and Republicans will face in 2025. It must be the highest legislative priority for the year.

Looking Toward the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope

The 2025 Jubilee of Hope will occur from Dec. 24, 2024, through Jan. 6, 2026. The faithful are invited to participate in this Holy Year and receive hope, grace, and renewal through the mercy of Jesus Christ.

President-Elect Trump: The De Facto President

Now, in the real-time age of the internet, unending daily challenges, and an absentee White House, we need de facto President Trump more than we need the absentee President de jure.