Terry L. Maple

Remembering Willie B. on Father’s Day

By Terry L. Maple, Gingrich 360 contributor | June 18, 2021
Terry L. Maple Remember Willie B

Willie B.’s story is a metaphor for the resilience of the Atlanta zoo, a 25-year transformation from industry pariah to global leadership.

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Did the Shutdown Revitalize Wildlife?

By Terry L. Maple, Gingrich 360 contributor | July 5, 2020
Did the Shutdown Revitalize Wildlife?

One indicator of the wider effect of the economic shutdown is illegal poaching. Poaching has dramatically increased during the pandemic because tourism has declined precipitously.

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Optimism for the Recovery of Coral Reefs

By Terry L. Maple, Gingrich 360 contributor | June 22, 2020
Terry Maple Coral Reefs

In the past 30 years, as much as 40 percent of the world’s corals and 92 percent of the branching corals in Florida and the Caribbean have succumbed to climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, and disease. Although their future seems bleak, scientists at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida have had success in growing corals when they are cut into small pieces and carefully managed.

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The True Value of Whales

By Terry L. Maple, Gingrich 360 contributor | June 8, 2020
The True Value of Whales

At a length of 100 feet and weighing 200 tons, the blue whale is the largest creature that ever lived on the earth. Their typical lifespan is 80 to 90 years, but their numbers have dwindled to fewer than 15,000 due to the long-term effects of commercial whaling.

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