Aaron Kliegman
Despite the flood of reporting and commentary on the fiasco in Afghanistan, however, almost everyone has missed the most important piece of the story: Pakistan.
Click Here to ContinueThe debacle in Afghanistan is worse than you think. By withdrawing so shamefully and incompetently, the Biden administration has revived not only a haven for terrorists but also an Islamic caliphate run by the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Click Here to ContinueAfghanistan will once again be a hub for Islamist terrorism — exactly what the U.S. sought to prevent by invading in the first place.
Click Here to ContinueThe numbers don’t lie: Team Biden’s failure is demonstrable and undeniable — and the American people see it.
With the support of our major institutions, from the media to Hollywood, corporate America, and now the medical establishment, wokeness is on the march. And the gender issue is at the tip of the woke spear.
It’s no secret that keeping schools closed throughout the pandemic was disastrous for students’ education. A new report details how extensive the damage really was.
Obama seemed to believe confessing America’s sins would encourage other countries to do the same. They didn’t. But that hasn’t stopped President Biden from taking Obama’s confessional to the next level — from confessing to atoning.
This week, Ben & Jerry’s announced that it will stop selling its ice cream in the “the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” Once again, the progressive left must be forced to answer a simple yet troubling question: Why Israel and no one else?
This is the true nature of the Iranian regime: brutal, dishonest, murderous. And the Biden administration wants to revive a deal that allows this same regime to build an industrial-sized nuclear program.
One of our nation’s most tired clichés is to call America “an idea.” What does that even mean? It’s too vague and abstract to be of any practical use — and can even be used to dangerous ends.