Newt Gingrich on Hannity | March 12, 2024
Newt talks to Sean Hannity about Biden’s policies and Bidenomics.
Newt talks to Sean Hannity about Biden’s policies and Bidenomics.
It has been fascinating to watch the left try to impose new language to describe people in the country illegally.
President Biden should be firmly on the side of Israel and civilization – and against Hamas’ barbarism, terrorism, and genocide.
Apparently 320,000 illegal immigrants were secretly flown into 42 American airports last year. Which airports, how many went to each airport, where they went after they landed – none of this has been made available to the American people who are paying for the program.
As I told Mark Levin, Biden is acting as Democrat in Chief, not Commander in Chief.
Apparently 320,000 illegal immigrants were secretly flown into 42 American airports last year. Which airports, how many went to each airport, where they went after they landed – none of this has been made available to the American people who are paying for the program.
This is the most hateful, divisive and destructive speech ever given at a State of the Union.
Super Tuesday was President Trump’s triumph. His election in November will be the American people’s triumph.
There is every indication President Trump is going to aggressively seek the support of every element of the Roosevelt coalition that will listen.
Putin’s victorious entry into Kyiv, much like Hitler’s conquest of Paris in 1940, would embolden dictators and tyrants across the globe.