Newt on Kudlow | September 25, 2024
Newt joins Larry Kudlow to discuss Kamala Harris’s anti-Catholic bias and her decision not to go to the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.
Newt joins Larry Kudlow to discuss Kamala Harris’s anti-Catholic bias and her decision not to go to the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.
Today marks the 30th anniversary of a national event which changed American history. On this date in 1994, House Republicans stood on the Capitol steps and signed the Contract with America.
Newt discusses the historical significance of the Contract with America on its 30th anniversary.
Because Pennsylvania is possibly the decisive state in winning the presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris is attempting a remarkable bait and switch on fracking.
Newt talks with former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, about his new book, “Risks and Returns: Creating Success in Business and Life.”
Threats to America’s survival are growing faster than our national security bureaucracy’s ability to cope with them.
Newt joined Sean Hannity to discuss Americans wanting change in current policies, not continuity.
Newt joined Laura Ingraham to discuss Trump’s rally in New York.
Newt talks with author, Max Boot, about his New York Times bestseller, “Reagan: His Life and Legend.”
Newt talks with presidential historian, Dr. Tevi Troy, about his new book, “The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry.”