Tailwinds, Headwinds, and the 2024 Presidential Debate

by Newt Gingrich

The propaganda media is doing everything it can to promote and protect Vice President Kamala Harris and weaken and undermine President Donald J. Trump.

In some ways, the 2024 campaign is like a sailboat race in which Vice President Harris has a permanent tailwind and President Trump is fighting a permanent headwind. In many ways, it is like what President Ronald Reagan faced in the 1979-1980 campaign – and what we faced during the 1994 Contract with America campaign.

Vice President Harris has two great advantages. First, the elite media is passionately dedicated to her winning. This is why Time Magazine printed a cover of a retouched, iconic picture of Harris (something for which no Republican candidate could ever hope).

By contrast, consider how the media treats President Trump. He went to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 young Americans who were killed during the Biden-Harris team’s incompetent, disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump had been invited by Gold Star families to honor their lost sons and daughters. He was showing a level of compassion and concern for these families, who President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris have tried to ignore.

Immediately after the initial, unavoidably favorable coverage, the elite media discovered that an employee of the cemetery had argued with a member of Trump’s team. The media promptly tried to turn the entire event into an inappropriate, almost scandalous exploitation of dead Americans. Vice President Harris issued a scathing statement attacking Trump for the visit.

The negative focus on the visit would have been a net negative for President Trump except for one factor the news media failed to take into account: The Gold Star families had invited Trump. They were furious at the Biden-Harris administration’s attitude toward their loved ones and the visit. They started appearing on television to make that clear.

By the end of the skirmish, President Trump’s visit had been vindicated. The Gold Star families changed the entire narrative in ways the media couldn’t ignore. The country was reminded of the Biden-Harris administration’s failure, which got these brave men and women killed in the first place.

Note how many things had to fall into place for the propaganda media to lose what they clearly thought would be a solid attack on Trump.

Harris also has a great majority of the bureaucrats who see Trump’s championing of reform as a direct threat to their jobs and power. The bureaucrats at the Department of Justice have worked nonstop to put Trump in jail, keep him tied down with trials, and exhaust his finances with lawyer fees.

The bureaucrats in the Secret Service failed to adequately protect President Trump. It was only by Divine Intervention that he was not killed by a gunman at his rally in Butler, Penn. The Secret Service is of course now trying to slow walk the investigation into its performance.

Despite the prevailing political winds, Republicans have a secret advantage. Underneath the head- and tailwinds, there is an enormous current of public conversation – and a gradual shift away from Big Government Socialism and extreme agendas towards Free Market Capitalism and common values. This underlying current gives conservative, reform-oriented candidates a huge advantage over leftwing, status quo candidates.

The 2024 election will ultimately match the media-bureaucratic tailwind against the stronger underlying current of Americans who reject Big Government Socialism, extreme ideas, and propaganda.

On the surface, the winds may seem to blow with Vice President Harris, but the deeper current is pushing President Trump.

For more commentary from Newt Gingrich, visit Gingrich360.com. Also, subscribe to the Newt’s World podcast.