Newt’s World – Episode 525: Baltimore City Schools’ Failure to Educate

Newt talks with Chris Papst, Fox 45 “Project Baltimore” lead investigative reporter about Baltimore City schools’ failure to educate its students.

The Maryland State Department of Education recently released the 2022 state test results, known as MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program. Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state.  Just 7% of third through eighth grade students tested proficient in math. Journalist Chris Papst from Fox 45 Baltimore has been leading “Project Baltimore” reporting for years.  He and his team combed through the scores of all 150 city schools where the state math test was given and found in 23 Baltimore City schools there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Newt’s guests are Chris Papst, Sinclair’s Fox 45 “Project Baltimore” lead investigative reporter and Jovani Patterson, a parent who is suing the Baltimore City school system for their failure to properly educate students.

Guests: Chris Papst and Jovani Patterson

Chris Pabst
Chris Papst
Jovani Patterson
Jovani Patterson


23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, state test results reveal – Fox 45 ‘Project Baltimore’

Baltimore City School budget balloons to $21,000 per student this year – Fox 45 ‘Project Baltimore’

Despite worsening student outcomes, more Baltimore City School employees earning $100k – Fox 45 ‘Project Baltimore’

Baltimore City Schools CEO earnings soars to $375,688 as student performance drops – Fox 45 ‘Project Baltimore’

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