Newt’s World – Episode 379: “Baby Yingliang” – Dinosaur Embryo Discovery

Newt has always been fascinated by dinosaurs. In this episode, he’s talking with paleontologist, Dr. Steve Brusatte about the discovery of “Baby Yingliang”.

In late December, the news of “Baby Yingliang”, an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo, was reported in the journal iScience. The oviraptorosaur embryo had been acquired in 2000, but ended up in storage, until recently when museum staff identified the eggs and the embryo hidden within one of them.  Newt’s guest is Dr. Stephen Brusatte, Chair of Paleontology and Evolution at the University of Edinburgh.

Guest: Dr. Steve Brusatte

Dr. Steve Brusatte
Dr. Steve Brusatte
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World


An Exquisitely Preserved In-Ovo Theropod Dinosaur Embryo Sheds Light on Avian-Like Prehatching Postures – iScience

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