Newt’s World – Episode 378: Canadian Trucker Protests

Newt talks with the Honorable John Baird, former Senior Cabinet Minister in the Government of Canada.  Baird describes the protests and the drastic steps Prime Minister Trudeau took to shut them down.

The “Freedom Convoy” or what’s become known as the “Canadian Trucker Protest” converged on the city of Ottawa, on January 28th. The protest began in opposition to the government’s mandate requiring all cross-border truck drivers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. On Sunday, February 22nd, the streets of Ottawa had been cleared.  Not because the truckers felt like their voices were heard and decided to go home.  On the contrary, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on February 14th he was invoking the “Emergencies Act” for the first time in Canada’s history. Newt’s guest is the Honorable John Baird.

Guest: Honorable John Baird

Honorable John Baird
Honorable John Baird

Emergencies Act – Government of Canada

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