Newt Gingrich Audio Update: What Was Sen. Manchin’s Strategy?

Sen. Joe Manchin’s rejection of the Big Government Socialist bill seems to have been done with a deliberate purpose to infuriate the White House and radical allies. 

There is much to be considered about Sen. Joe Manchin’s decision to come out and flatly say “no” to the Democrats’ Big Government Socialist initiative. Was his strategy designed to get kicked out of the party while infuriating the Democrat regulars and the left wing radicals? Look at how they’ve handled the news. Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and the President’s Press Secretary issued nasty responses.  

We’ll have to see if this is a one-time mess or if the situation with Sen. Manchin gets steadily worse. Certainly, from President Biden’s standpoint, this came at the worst time and was not how he wanted to enter Christmas week.  

Hear more of my observations in this audio update and join my Inner Circle program to participate in our next town hall event.  


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