President Biden has only been in office for eight months, but he has already managed to make some huge blunders. The border crisis, the debacle in Afghanistan, picking Kamala Harris as his invisible vice president — Biden’s record so far has been disastrous and destructive. For this podcast, Rob takes you on a painful stroll down memory lane to examine it all. As Rob explains, the situation at the southern border has the potential to transform this country negatively and insidiously over the next couple decades. But even worse, Harris is the one charged with handling the border! An unpopular lightweight, Harris is an empty politician more concerned with her own ambitions than the wellbeing of the American people. And Biden is ultimately to blame for all of this.
Rob Smith’s Latest Podcasts:
- Rob Smith is Problematic – Episode 103: America Is Going COVID Crazy (Again)
- Rob Smith is Problematic – Episode 102: Democrats Are Pivoting to ‘Voting Rights’ Now that Their Build Back Better Plan is Dead
- Rob Smith is Problematic – Episode 100: ‘Problematic’ Celebrates 100 Episodes!
- Rob Smith is Problematic – Episode 99: A Black Mother’s Perspective On Critical Race Theory
- Rob Smith is Problematic – Episode 98: The Real Reason Kamala Harris Is Failing As Vice President
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- Newt’s World Episode 809: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Visit with President Trump
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