The Chinese communist dictatorship has a simple yet terrifying goal: global domination. For this podcast, Anna details how China intends to supplant the United States as the world’s most powerful and influential country. And she has some help doing so. Her husband Andy, an Air Force combat controller who has studied this issue extensively, joins the show to discuss China’s long-term strategy of killing countries with kindness to ultimately lead the world into a pit of darkness and oppression. This is a second Cold War for global supremacy, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. We must understand what China’s up to and respond accordingly.
Anna Paulina Luna’s Latest Podcasts:
- Luna Talks with Anna Paulina – Episode 47: Stonk Wars with WallStreetBets
- Luna Talks with Anna Paulina – Episode 46: David vs. Goliath with DC Draino
- Luna Talks with Anna Paulina – Episode 45: Congress’s No Good, Rotten Infrastructure Bill
- Luna Talks with Anna Paulina – Episode 44: On the Front Lines of the Critical Race Theory Fight
- Luna Talks with Anna Paulina – Episode 43: Glenn Youngkin’s Victory Is a Sign of Things to Come
From the Gingrich 360 Network:
- Newt’s World Episode 811: AI Summit
- Newt’s World Episode 810: Last Call for Bud Light
- Newt’s World Episode 809: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Visit with President Trump
- Newt’s World Episode 808: Big Intel and the Future of the FBI
- Newt’s World Episode 807: The AI Race – US vs. China