Sen. Rand Paul Has One Word for You: Resist

Sen. Paul is fed up with the poor treatment of our children, the lack of honest public health guidance, and the tyrannical rule by Democrats over our economy and society.

In a scathing op-ed, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called out Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, President Joe Biden, local bureaucrats, and union leaders.   

He accused Speaker Pelosi of implementing draconian policies to continue her “drunk with power rein over the Capitol.” He also warned President Biden that he will tack on an amendment to cut funding to every bill that comes through the Senate regarding federal agencies if the President shuts them down again.  

Sen. Paul then offered some advice to you: Resist. He further said “They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.” 

Sen. Paul is fed up with the poor treatment of our children, the lack of honest public health guidance, and the tyrannical rule by Democrats over our economy and society. He believes in standing up for freedom and our nation by defying lockdowns, mandates, and power grabs.  

Maybe Sen. Paul is right. Maybe more of us need to start saying no. Read Sen. Paul’s entire op-ed at Fox News.   

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