Last week, we asked readers: "When it comes to recommendations on when to wear a mask, which authority are you following for COVID-19 protocols?" A total of 1,469 votes were cast to clarify where Americans are turning to for COVID-19 guidance.
Over half of the voters stated they weren't following an authority of any kind regarding protocols with 57.86 percent (850 readers) of the vote. The second most popular option was following the recommendations of local businesses with 23.62 percent (347 readers).
Remaining votes were split between three other options. 12.25 percent (180 readers) stated they are listening to state authorities and 5.51 percent (81 readers) said they were following local authorities. Just 0.75 percent (11 readers) said they were following federal guidelines from figures such as the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, or President Biden.
Americans are feeling relieved that many COVID-19 restrictions are ending, especially after the White House lifted mask mandates for those who are vaccinated. Despite this, many remain confused about whether they should wear a mask inside, with some businesses and states having conflicting guidelines. It will be interesting to see whether any federal, state, or local guidelines will align in the future to avoid continued uncertainty.
Disclaimer: These polls are to measure the opinions of our readers, and the results reflect the views of those who choose to respond. These polls are opinion-based and not proven, nor based on scientific methods of sampling, data collection, and analysis. We encourage all readers to be informed and educated based on scientific methods of data collections.
Which authority are you following for COVID-19 protocols?
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