Facebook announced on Wednesday, May 5th that their “Oversight Board”, a company-appointed panel, ruled that the ban of President Donald J. Trump for life from their social media platform was justified at the time but added that the company should reassess its action and make a final decision in six months. Many Americans who believe in our constitution and our first amendment right to free speech were shocked by their decision. Newt discusses Facebook’s hypocrisy and joins the fiercely debated conversation about Big Tech’s power over free speech online.
Facebook Oversight Board
Facebook Oversight Board Upholds Social Network’s Ban of Trump – New York Times
Facebook Board Upholds Trump Ban, Demands Platform Clarify Standards – DailyWire
Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Board Stocked with Trump Haters – New York Post
What Is the Facebook Oversight Board? – New York Times
Trump Facebook Ban
Facebook Bars Trump Through End of His Term – January 7, 2021 – New York Times
Amazon, Apple and Google Cut Off Parler, an App That Drew Trump Supporters – New York Times