By Newt Gingrich
Indiana Senator Mike Braun talks with Newt about his recent trip to the United States – Mexico border and what conditions were like there. He also discusses four health care reform bills he’s just introduced, and why health care reform should be at the top of the Republican agenda, next to a strong defense and economy.
Guest: Sen. Mike Braun
Senator Braun Recent Statements
Braun Introduces Fix to Stop Democrats from Banning State Tax Cuts
Senator Braun’s Statement on President Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal
Braun Statement on Biden’s Executive Order Against the Second Amendment
Senator Braun Op-Eds
Why I Oppose the Radical Equality Act – Washington Examiner
Biden Must Secure Border, End Immigration Crisis – The Herald Bulletin
Senator Braun on Health Care
It’s Time to Reveal True Cost of Health Care Prices – Sen. Mike Braun Fox News Op-Ed
Newt Gingrich on Health Care