Partisan attempts to strip a Republican member of her committee assignments in the US House are wrong. This breaks all precedents, rules, and traditions. This vote on Feb. 4 should not be a partisan issue – each party should make its own decisions. Republicans should decide what to do with their members, and the Democrats should decide what to do with their members. When Republicans win the House in 2022, the radicals in the Democrat party might be shocked at the committee assignments they get.
– Newt
Read more in The New York Times: click here
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There is something profoundly wrong verging on tyranny with the Democrats deciding that they’re going to strip a Republican member of her committee assignments in the U S house. I have a note in to Bill Pitts, who was our great parliamentarian, to ask him if there’s any precedent for doing this. I personally don’t remember any. But it sets the stage, and I just did a tweet about this, that when we take the majority in 2022, which I think we will we should insist that every single House Democrat be approved by the House Republicans. This idea of their constant aggression to solitary and behavior, breaking all the precedent, raking all the past traditions, seizing power. Every time they turn around is profoundly wrong. And it’s not a question of whether you agree or disagree with Congresswoman green. It’s a question of whether or not in a system that is supposed to be orderly and a system where there are supposed to be rules where historically, each party made its own decisions that the Republicans should decide what to do with their member and the Democrats should decide what to do with their members. And I think that the radicals in the democratic party might be shocked at the committee assignments they get. When the Republicans take over in 2023, if this kind of, if this kind of practice happens. I really hope that before Thursday, they pull this as a terrible precedent. It is a disaster for the long-term governance of the House. And it’s one more example of how willing they are to break every rule and do whatever they have to, to impose their radicalism. So stay tuned. This is a big deal.