Newt: ” You know, Abraham Lincoln was very clear even during the civil war that the first duty of government is to establish order and on two occasions in Baltimore in 1861 in New York in 1863 he had to send the army in in order to reestablish order. The District of Columbia is a federal district. And I think the mayor should be put on notice that if she can’t control the streets the whole issue of home rule ought to be revisited.”
America’s Newsroom
I think prosecuted is about right. You know, Abraham Lincoln was very clear even during the civil war that the first duty of government is to establish order and on two occasions in Baltimore in 1861 in New York in 1863 he had to send the army in in order to reestablish order. The District of Columbia is a federal district. And I think the mayor should be put on notice that if she can’t control the streets the whole issue of home rule ought to be revisited. Portland has been 150 days now. By the way, the election of Biden is not going to slow this down. The left might have gone crazy if Trump had gotten reelected, but nobody on the hard left and antifa is a terrorist organization. Nobody on the hard left is going to be nice because Biden is president. They will exploit every weakness. The violence will get worse and frankly, as a conservative I find it very sobering to think that in my own country I could have somebody break into a restaurant or attack me on the street. I think this is a real threat to America as a country.
What you are seeing happened, and Antifa goes back well before Trump, it has just gotten better financed, more dangerous. What you are seeing happened is a fight for control of the streets just as you are seeing a fight for control of newsrooms, a fight for control of the colleges. The left is on offense and if they can, they say this openly, if they can, they intend to hunt down and eliminate every conservative and cost them their jobs. I noticed there was a woman lawyer in Pennsylvania reporting today that she is being harassed for representing Trump in a lawsuit. This kind of stuff is really dangerous and frankly reminiscent of Germany in the 20s when the Nazis and communist fought huge street battles to see who was going to dominate the streets. Between black lives matter and Antifa, you now have the first really continuing street war in modern American history.
Sure. I thought Steve showed enormous courage and came back through rehabilitation is a model for all of us. But anybody who is a conservative has to have a concern that you could literally be at a picnic, you could be at a ballgame, you could be walking down the street shopping, and a bunch of thugs can come up and the current model, the news media wouldn’t cover, the police wouldn’t arrest them, and the local Soros funded prosecutor wouldn’t prosecute him. So, I think this all gets more and more dangerous and will lead to a very aggressive backlash at some point. I think that will increase the danger for the whole country.