Newt Gingrich speaking to Fox News Channels’s, Fox and Friends that President Trump has a “winning message,” so presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is trying to steal it. Watch Below.
Fox and Friends
July 13, 2020
No, look. I think that proves that Biden has good pollsters. They do good focus groups. And they said, you know, the president has a winning message why don’t you steal it? The problem for Biden is that he has huge tax increases, he has huge regulatory increases. His program would kill jobs not create them. And he has always been so close to China that it’s hard to imagine he would follow trump’s policy of negotiating as toughly as Trump has, for example, with Mexico and Canada. So, I mean, Biden can whistle the tune, but he can’t dance the dance and the fact when you look at his programs which has been largely shaped by AOC and Bernie Sanders. They would kill jobs in America. Every communist I know believes that the size tax increases Biden is proposing would kill jobs and keep us mired down that very deep recession for probably 10 years.
I think first of all, part of the reason the president should be fighting for 100 percent expensing for investments is so companies have an incentive to bring their factories back from China and rebuild them in the U.S. But I think the president ought to challenge Biden and say why don’t you join me, let’s get a bill to buy American, as you point out. To say have everything identified accurately. Let’s get it through to the congress, Joe. I will work to deliver the Republicans; you work to deliver the Democrats. See how long Biden actually tries to do actually do anything real about buying American. What you get out of the Biden campaign is very good pollsters with very good focus groups. He will say right things when they allow them out of the basement. They will be coached, they will be written, when you look at the policies behind him, they will be the policies of Pelosi and Schumer and AOC and Bernie Sanders. That’s what we have seen happening now for the last two months as Biden every week he goes further to the left in his policy proposals.
Well, look, I think this actually will further drive home that this is a Chinese communist dictatorship, Xi Jinping is the secretary general or the general secretary rather of the Chinese communist party much more than he is president of China. Their reaction is to be a totalitarian dictatorship. You disagree with them; did you go to jail. I think that’s why, I think the idea that Schumer is now endorsing Bernie Sanders 10% cut in defense in this kind of behavior is crazy. We need to be competing heavily and investing heavily in order to contain China. Not rolling over, let’s defund the police and defund the military which seems to be the battle cry of the modern democratic party.
Look, I don’t ever want to second guess President Trump because he did such an amazing job in 2015 and 16 when nobody thought he could. I just talked to Charlie Cook’s projections the day before the election in 2016 cook projected Clinton would have a minimum of 279 votes with 41 more possible. He had her having about 320 electoral votes the day before the election. So, I would just caution everybody when you realize, for example, the defund the police is 25% of the country, 75% of the country is against defunding the police. When people learn that the Pelosi bill, that 207 Democrats voted for, gives $1,200 bonus to every single illegal immigrant in the country. I mean you go down this list, I think when we clarify the campaign and the choice, the president reelected and frankly, nobody would ever want to give up being president to go back and being the challenge. I mean, at this stage in 2016 no serious Washington pundit thought Donald Trump was going to win. Those of us who thought he was going to win were all of us outliers and people thought we were crazy.