We are facing a crisis in America with enormous decisions facing all of us. From the pandemic from China, to a government imposed shutdown, to the killing of George Floyd and the riots and chaos in our cities, we are living through a time of very dramatic change. In a series of episodes, I’ll discuss the challenges we face in America. In Part 1: The Role of the Radical Left.
The War Against America: Questions and Suggestions – Newt Gingrich
The First Rule of Riots: Stop Them – Newt Gingrich
Democrats Should Take a Knee and Apologize to All Americans – Newt Gingrich
Let’s be clear, the cities with the greatest violence have been run by Democrats for generations. The district attorneys releasing criminals are Democrats. A major question this fall should be if the party of illegal immigrants, illegal anarchists, illegal looters should win.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) June 6, 2020
Past Race Riots
Watts Riots of 1965 – Britannica
Detroit Riot of 1967 – Britannica
Los Angeles Riots of 1992 – Britannica
Unrest and Riots Across the United States
Anger and Unrest Sweep Across U.S. – Wall Street Journal
Riots put brakes on US economy’s coronavirus recovery – Fox News
Minneapolis sees $55M in building damage, looting during George Floyd protests – New York Post
All Rioters, Arsonists, Looters in St. Louis Freed from Jail Without Charges – Breitbart
Defund Police, Watch Crime Return – Wall Street Journal