A new poll in the Washington Times finds that voters in nine swing states favor President Trump over Joe Biden to hold China accountable and protect small businesses. – Newt
Swing-State Voters Favor Trump Over Biden on China, Protecting Businesses, Poll Finds
By Dave Boyer
Washington Times
Voters in nine battleground states trust President Trump more than Joe Biden to hold China accountable for the coronavirus pandemic and support Republicans’ proposal to protect small businesses from lawsuits related to the crisis, according to a survey for America First Policies. The poll found that 50 percent of voters in the swing states think President Trump would be better at standing up to China, compared to 33 percent who choose Biden. The poll also found that 57 percent of voters want to punish China for its role in the coronavirus outbreak. Furthermore, respondents said they trust President Trump over Biden to rebuild the economy, 46 percent to 40 percent. The survey was conducted in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
FCC Commissioner Carr called out Twitter on Tucker Carlson’s show for engaging in “political speech against the president,” arguing that “these are not fact checks that are going on, this is opinion journalism.” – Newt
FCC Commissioner Bashes Twitter Over Fact-Check of Trump: ‘This Is Opinion Journalism’
By Yael Halon
Fox News
Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, scolded Twitter on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Wednesday for attaching a fact-check to a tweet from President Trump. Twitter had warned users on Tuesday that, despite the president’s claims about mail-in voting, “fact checkers” say there is “no evidence” that it would increase risk of voter fraud. Carr said that Twitter was engaging in “political speech against the president” and “partisan political activity,” adding that “these are not fact checks that are going on; this is opinion journalism.”
Democrats once again take an “America Last” approach to exploit a crisis. – Newt
Paying Illegal Immigrants Puts America Last
By Steve Cortes
Democrats are seeking to exploit the coronavirus pandemic “as an opportunity to fulfill long-held leftist policy aims like diminishing citizenship and destroying the efficacy of borders. By leveraging a time of pain for so many Americans, these demagogues prove that they put America last.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $3 trillion bill, for example, would send taxpayer handouts of up to $1,200 to illegal migrants if it ever became law. California, meanwhile, has dispensed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants, with direct cash payments to over 100,000 trespassers. Leftist politicians and the entire political class are out of touch with America’s citizenry, which is suffering because of the pandemic. “Make no mistake about the left’s ultimate aims here. They promote porous borders and incentivize illegal migration, eyeing the dubious long-term objective of mass amnesties that confer status and citizenship.” Democrats are putting American citizens last, prioritizing the wants of illegal immigrants.
Blue states run by Democrat governors who are slower to reopen will see an overall slower economic recovery. Time for Americans to take notice. – Newt
The Blue State Lockdown Blues
By The Editorial Board
Wall Street Journal
States across the country are beginning to ease their lockdowns, and the economy will slowly start to recover. “But it’s worth noting that the states opening most slowly are big states run by Democrats that represent something like a third of the U.S. economy. This means a slower recovery for those states and the US.” California, New York, and New Jersey, each governed by Democratic governors, have been especially devastated economically because of the shutdowns they imposed. Florida, by comparison, has fared much better and had a less strict lockdown. “Democrats think they can make businesses go dark for months and then use a ‘dimmer’ to turn them back on. It’s more complicated. Businesses need suppliers and paying customers. This is why the economic recovery will be especially painful in Democratic states that stay locked down longer and where businesses were struggling before the pandemic due to high rents, taxes, and government labor mandates.” Yet these states are the ones begging the federal government for budgetary relief and still planning to raise taxes to finance worker pensions that they won’t reform.