Mornings with Maria
Well, I agree with President Trump who said he’s dropped out except he’s keeping his delegates and he’s hoping to get more delegates and presumably that’s to influence the platform. Big groups of younger left wing Democrats all sent a letter to Biden yesterday, saying that there were things they wanted in the platform if they were going to support him so I suspect what you’ll see is that Sanders will now lead an ideological fight over the platform and that there will be a real effort to push Biden much further to the left than he would normally be.
Well, and you saw that when you saw Speaker Pelosi trying to add a whole series of left-wing ideas to the program that was passed just last week. So there’s going to be constant pressure on the left and what I can’t quite tell is whether Biden is actually better off to just be quiet because every time he goes out and tries to do something, he makes some kind of a gaffe like not remembering how many grandchildren he has or not remembering what he’s running for. There are a number of — if you look at things, he said that mystify you, he may actually be better off to just be quiet from now until the Democratic Convention August and allow president Trump to not make it based on what he’s doing. Because if the issue becomes Biden and I think Biden loses, if the issue is Trump, I think Biden has a shot. I think he’s the underdog despite the national media. I think Trump will be very, very hard to beat.
There’s no question, you’re going to have a fight between the anti-business, anti-entrepreneur, socialist left, I mean, just look for example at the reality that now we’re relying on all the pharmaceutical companies to try to help us find therapies and try to help us find vaccines. These are the very companies that liberal Democrats have been attacking for years. Or look at the private companies that are now making ventilators. Look at the companies that are now making testing kits. All of these are examples of a free enterprise, entrepreneurial system that is vastly more productive than a government dominated socialist system. But on the left, their idea of recovery is going to be how much more money can I give to local governments and public employee unions and not how do I once again back to the kind of economy that Obama couldn’t deliver, and that Trump did deliver.
Well, first of all, I think given how far the left the Democratic Party’s going, I’m surprised they didn’t also want to include a transgender person as a possible vice-presidential nominee. I don’t know why he would restrict it only in that sense to women. Second, I think it depends — his big concern is going to be turning out the African American vote so I think he’s almost inevitably going to lean towards somebody like Kamala Harris because I think that she’s the only one who gives him any hope of trying to get an Obama return.