Sure. I mean what you have is, the academic class has found a device to give them power over everybody else and so the environment in a very real sense is an excuse. That is not their goal. Their goal is controlling your life. That is just their excuse to create the hysteria to make you think you have no choice. The fact that frankly their arguments both about the environment and about how to fix things are both wrong I think is a key part of why I wrote, “Defeating Big Government Socialism,” but this is a long-term, very deep effort by the elites to take control of the society, force the rest of us to do what they want on their terms and basically reduce us from being citizens, which is what the Declaration of Independence gave us to just being subjects with them being in charge.
Yeah, and it is not just, this has been growing at least since Lyndon Johnson’s great society. It has gotten worse and worse. It is like a cancer that metastasizes. Today you have people at every level of the federal government, frankly in some of the blue states, New York, Illinois, California, you have power hungry politicians and power hungry bureaucrats allied together to try to control all of the rest of us. In the end it won’t work because we’re Americans and I think we reject that kind of approach.
Absolutely. Remember, free-market capitalism means you have freedom, means you have private property. Private property is a bell mark of freedom. That is not what they want. They want you to be subordinated to them, do what they tell you to do. Look at the whole fight over masks. Look at the damage we’ve done to children in this country because we tolerated government doing things that were just plain wrong that were driven by the elites who thought they would control the rest of us. It is compounded because “The New York Times” is essentially “Pravda” and the Washington Post is essentially Istina, and to see most of the media as the offensive wing of the left and not of the news media.
I am going to testify on Wednesday at the budget committee in the house, where the Democrats having already done amazing destruction to America’s children, done amazing amount to increase mental illness in America, totally failed to deal with the drug threat to all of us, now they want to extend this and have the government take over basically all of the pre-school learning in America which is the opposite of what we should be doing. We should be encouraging families, communities, neighborhoods, churches, synagogues to organize themselves to have a diversity of options to have basically parental freedom, not to have control by some unionized bureaucrat.
Well, look, from their standpoint they can’t afford to deal with reality because reality cuts across every single thing that they believe in. That is why I wrote “Defeating Big Government Socialism,” because it hit me one day, Ronald Reagan once said, it wasn’t that what liberals did not know that scared him, it’s what they knew that wasn’t true.” What you are dealing with people who are so fixated, it’s a semireligious brief system, they’re so fixated on what they already know that they can’t afford to be pragmatic in the classic American sense. They can’t afford to look at the facts. They can’t afford to ask questions about what works and what doesn’t work because their alliances require them to find ways to take more of your money to pay off their allies, even if it increases inflation and even if it means terrible delivery of bad goods and services.
Look, I think the fact is that 9% inflation, double the price of gasoline since Donald Trump left, rising cost of food, murderers being released on the streets, we’ll probably going to win the house and senate. Question is what lesson will the country have learned. If all the country learns is that these guys are incompetent, we haven’t won much. But if all the country realize with the campaign over the next four months, it is their ideas that are wrong. It’s their policies are wrong. This is what Margaret Thatcher did to socialism in Great Britain she destroyed as an alternative and no left-wing labour leader has been prime minister 40 years. We have a chance right to drive home it’s not just personality but the fundamental beliefs, fundamental policies which are crippling America, causing pain to virtually every American.
Well, absolutely. First of all, big government socialism loses 59-16 to free-market capitalism. Second, I’m a Lincoln Republican. I believe government of the people, by the people and for the people and the people are going throw these particular rascals out.