Newt Gingrich Audio Update: Time to End Social Media Censorship

It is beyond outrageous that a US company built on the foundation of connecting people and sharing opinions has once again attacked our vital First Amendment freedoms.  Stand against censorship. 

As many of you are aware, Twitter suspended the account of Rep. Jim Banks (IN-3). Rep. Banks is a prominent member of the House leadership and chairman of the House Study Committee — the largest group of conservative members in the House of Representatives. 

Regardless of what Rep. Banks said, it is beyond outrageous that a United States company built on the foundation of connecting people and their opinions has once again attacked our vital freedom protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution. Yes, they are private companies who make (and violate) their own rules. But at this point, they’ve become such big monopolies that they can almost be considered quasi-governmental.  

Every government member should be standing with Banks and calling for an end to this kind of censorship. It is up to the citizens of Indiana’s 3rd District to decide whether Banks’ opinion needs to be heard or not. So, Banks deserves your support. Please get in touch with your Congressman and Senators and tell them you want them to support the right of every member of the House and Senate to be on these institutions without any censorship. 


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