Newt Gingrich Audio Update: Biden’s Christmas Crisis: Supply Chain Shortage

The Big Government Socialists are so focused on raising spending they are ignoring that imported goods can’t even be delivered to retailers. It might be a tough year to buy gifts for the holidays.

There is such chaos in this administration that lingering crises are on the horizon which Biden and his team are ill-equipped to handle. The supply chains systems are an unbelievably massive mess. Currently, there are cargo ships anchored off the coast of Los Angeles and Long Beach that can’t dock (primarily due to a shortage of dockworkers and truck drivers to deliver goods). In addition, the cost of shipping a container of goods from China to the U. S. has hit a record $20,586 – almost twice the cost in July. It is quite possible that we could see a shortage of Christmas gifts, or they will be unbelievably expensive. The team at Gingrich 360 and I will be highlighting these upcoming crises over the next few weeks, so stay tuned.


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