Newt Gingrich
Mornings with Maria
Nov 11, 2020
Well, look, I think the media, and Biden have tried to rush to judgment and not a single state certified anywhere in the country, there are at least five or six states that have lawsuits probably ending up in supreme court, and we keep finding more and more examples of fraud. So, I would be a little cautious my only position is there is a constitutional process. It involves voters counting the vote, if necessary, recounting the vote ultimately going to court if necessary and beyond that the state legislature and then, the electoral college getting to Washington, all those steps are ahead of us, and I think it is absurd, that people like Hillary Clinton and others, said Biden should never concede this was back when they were afraid he might loss, so they were giving Biden instruction to never concede. It’s been one week we are in the middle of a constitutional process, we ought to be a little patient and frankly there is a lot of evidenced that some very fishy things that may collectively end up changing election results.
Look if you back all the way out look at is it statistical base of this, Biden didn’t do very well everywhere except where he is stealing it. So, you go to Cleveland, you go to St. Louis, you go to New York he don’t have huge numbers. But there are very specific places they went all out, Fulton county Georgia Clayton county Georgia, DeKalb county Georgia would be three. Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee all places have a tradition. Philadelphia has a long tradition of corruption and it’s been endured and now its threatened in presidency. There was one Philadelphia race a few years ago so corrupt the judge literally threw out democratic installed his Republican opponent changing the balance of power in the Pennsylvania senate. So these things are not new what has happened they have all occurred in parallel, and they effect the presidency, and that brings level of attention they are not used to having.
Well, look, I think the president first of all, is still far and away the most popular person in the party there is a poll out that says 70% of Republicans believe election was illegal and illegitimate. So, he has a huge base of people believe he would have been elected president if the election had been honest. He will be the dominant figure in the party as long as he wants to. Grover Cleveland lost and came back one president; he was the one president who was defeated and came back. Biden should be very concerned about Trump’s ability to stand up for America, compared to Biden’ various weird advisories one of whom wants to give vaccine away everywhere else in the world before we give it to Americans, I think there will be a lot of stuff in the Biden administration if there is a Biden administration, that will give Trump lots of talking points I think his rallies will still have enormous crowds.
Look I think, Nancy Pelosi is trying to ride two different tigers, a left wing tiger that wants to do a series of things average Americans think is crazy the smaller but very frightened moderate tiger that knows if it goes into 2022 and the Biden administration is radical and Pelosi is radical they will probably all get wiped out. We have a history here. Bill Clinton gets elected two years later you are the we took house for the first time in 40 years, Obama gets elected, and John Boehner leads a 63 vote pickup, two years later. So any Democrat who is smart is going to look at this if you have Zeke Emmanuel a senior adviser to Biden says give away our vaccine to the rest of the world before we give it to Americans he also says, people over 75 shouldn’t get unusual medical care because they already lived a full life. Now how can you have that guy on the COVID task force, when the primarily people are being dying are over 75? This stuff is all going to add up very quickly, they are out of basement.