What happens to the integrity of our elections if we move to a mail-in ballot system? Why haven’t states consistently purged their registered voter roles? Newt discusses these issues and more about potential voter fraud in the 2020 election with his guest, Hans von Spakovsky from The Heritage Foundation.
Guest: Hans Von Spaakovsky
A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States – Heritage Foundation
Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project
Hans Von Spakovsky on COVID-19 and Voter Fraud
COVID-19 and Ebola: What We Can Learn from Prior Elections
Coronavirus and Elections – Changes Increase Risk of Voter Fraud
Avenue to Voter Fraud Have No Place in Coronavirus Bill
COVID-19 Must Not Push U.S. to Dangerous Online Voting
Hans Von Spakovsky on Mail in Voting
Potential for Fraud Is Why Mail in Elections Should Be Dead Letter
Why the Push for an All-by-Mail Election is Unwise – and Unnecessary
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
America’s Hidden Voting Epidemic? Mail Ballot Failures
Vote-by-Mail Makes Fraud and Errors Worse
Examples of Voter Fraud
Troy, New York’s 2009 ballot fraud scandal goes on in federal lawsuits
Gordon Mayor Removed, Convicted of Voter Fraud – January 17, 2019